
My portfolio is broken into three categories:
     πŸ –    Robotics
     πŸ –    Computer science
     πŸ –    Mechanical engineering
Any projects with ⭐'s next to them indicate work that I am most proud of.


Rock Skipping Robot ⭐

December 2022 - Developed a control architecture to pick-up a rock from a known location and skip it across water. The system was implemented and tested in a custom physics-based simulator.

Hula Hooping Robot ⭐

December 2022 - Built a robot to learn more about the mechanical principles of hula hooping. Abstracted the system to two degrees of freedom and simulated trajectories before implementing on hardware.

Underactuated Skateboard Control System ⭐

May 2022 - Optimized dynamic trajectories to perform tricks on a simplified 2D skateboarding model. By controlling just the center of mass position of the rider, we can manipulate the board's movement.

Computer Science / Software:

Markforged: Part Packing ⭐

August 2022 - Developed a geometric algorithm to optimize the packing space on 3D printing build plate. Using simulated annealing approach, could fit 15+% more parts than previous method.

CaBER Video Processing Library ⭐

January 2022 - Wrote a code library which could be used to automatically characterize fluids from footage of CaBER experiments. This is helpful in studying the behavior of non-Newtonian fluids.

Mechanical Engineering:

Yo-yo Manufacturing

May 2023 - Worked on a team to design and mass produce custom plastic yo-yos. Parts were manufactured using injection molding and thermoforming processes.

Firehose Cleaner ⭐

December 2022 - Designed a portable system to clean carcinogens off a firehose after a fire. The system is fully hydro-powered and has washing and spooling components.

Robot Design & Manufacturing

May 2022 - Designed and built a task-oriented robot for an undergrad course at MIT. The robot was designed to complete tasks on a gamboard in competition with other students.

Brayton Energy: Analytical Design

August 2019 - Used mechanical and fluid simulations to inform the design of a header block for a heat exchanger in a concentrated solar power plant.

Electric Skateboard

January 2019 - Designed and built an electric skateboard to gain hands-on engineering experience. Helped introduce me to CNC machining.